Wednesday 18 April 2012

Make Time To Experience Sleeping Outside With Family!

Last week, my friend and I went for a travelling out of my living city. Such a wonderful trip. We planned to bring with a camping tent. However, at the night, we didn't use it. One of my friend, Emily said to me, she wants to sleep out of the tent. So I slept out of the tent with her, and another two friends, Jesscia and Clary slept in the camping tent we took.

Sleeping in the open air gives you a unique sense of freedom and a chance to be close to the nature closely. This is my first time to have this experience since I travel. Sometimes, I can't tell the magic in it, sleeping in the open aire. Especially the change from evening to night to dawn is something that is best witnessed without any roof. You may experience once if you have an opportunity. It'll be an unforgettable experience in your life.

Have you ever sleeping in the open air? If yes, how do you think of it? Staying outside all night could bring you close into contact with the nocturnal wildlife that might just give you some (pleasant or unpleasant) late night surprises. This is still interesting. You can't miss it.
The reasons why people enjoy sleeping in the open air would is as followed, first of all, it saves the hassle of carrying a pop up tent and make it at the end of the day. Although nowadays, tents are becoming lighter and smaller in pack sizes, having one is still a considerable load to carry with you.Besides, staying outdoor and hearing every single sound and seeing everything around you makes sleeping outside a more impressive experience than if you were covered by a Tent.

Whether you haven't spend time together with your family for a long time whatever reasons? Make time! Spending time together as a family is very important.It's the most important thing you can do to create, and keep, closeness within your family unit.

Related reading:
Begin With Your Family Safari
Make Your First Camping Experience A Positive One


  1. Thanks for your tips, shade sails can be also taken when camping.

  2. Going camping with family members can be a wonderful experience. It's a nice feeling to stay in the family tent and have a talk with family members.
